Software Development

Debugging - Steps I Take in Locating and Resolving Bugs

25th May 2023


Once a bug has been brought to my attention, the first thing to do would be to ensure I have understood the bug and what the unexpected behaviour is and to gather information about the circumstances in which it occurs.

Tips to Improve Development Speed

25th April 2023


When I first started coding, the main point of practising was to understand the code; however, now that I am more experienced, the point of practising is not to understand; its to improve my speed.

Things Anyone Can Learn in Software Development

16th February 2023


A career in software development undoubtedly involves learning a great deal of information which can understandably be overwhelming for new or aspiring developers.

Writing My Own Framework, Why I Did it and How it Started

5th January 2023


Having spent many years building software using a variety of PHP MVC frameworks, my favourite being Yii2, combined with jQuery, and then in later years, AngularJS. I started to explore using NodeJS as server-side software to simplify the stack and leverage the speed and always-running nature of NodeJS (when configured).